Here we get some best one liner quotes about on lies. Maybe this category is not so popular but we collected some best quotes. Lie is one thing that everyone does and everyone lies for a reason and without reason it’s a one kind of cheat. So, here are these quotes about on lies.
100 lies can't be stand against one truth. that's a power of positivity.
When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth.-Khaled Hosseini
Everyone will accept lie but no one will buy one truth.
Lies always sold out easily because no one have capacity to buy one truth.
We love to know the truth and we hate to hear the lie.
The biggest problem in lying is to remember the lie ... !!
If there is a place of lies then there is nowhere else except human's mind.
Once you lies, you'll doubt on your own truth.
Although you lie but you should not lie to yourself.
Truth is always bitter but it's result is always positive. Lies is always spicy but it's result is always negative.
It’s bad manners to say “I love you” with a mouth full of lies.-geckoandfly
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