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Let it hurt now. It's teaching you how to not let it hurt again.

14 Best one liner quotes (part 1)

Here are best one liner quotes which are taken from my2amquotes instagram page. All these quotes are beautifully made and I hope you will love it read and share with your friends.
Time never stops, so neither should you, keep moving forward

Stand up for what right even if you are standing alone!

Always believe in yourself. Do this and no matter where you are, you will have nothing to fear

A cost of Smile is nothing but gives love to receiver.

A best friend is like four leaf clover, harder to find, harder to find, lucky to have

True love is difficult to find, but easy to judge by others.

We are not wrong every time, we don’t have any words that can prove us right

Maybe you’re not perfect but it doesn’t mean you can’t achieve your dreams

Although a person is ugly, it doesn’t mean he has no feelings

Don’t except feelings from others, they will give you advice not company.

Be aware from those who are like chameleon, they often changed.

Less understanding is better than Misunderstanding

Those words while you are angry, is present your reality.

Those who dare to fly, they never fall.

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