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Let it hurt now. It's teaching you how to not let it hurt again.

10 one liner quotes by My 2am Quotes - part 4

This is part 4 of 10 one liner quotes. This quotes are collected from My 2am quotes instagram page. thanks to all of you for these.Visit my 2am quote instagram page for more.

If you don't want to do something then how can the world will know that you're exist?

A Good friend will say all the truth on your face but will not talk a shit about you at your back.

Although you start little bit slow but it doesn't make sense if you give up easily.

If you are in comfort zone all the time, you haven't seen the real life yet.

And last I said her "You deserves whole universe and I'm just little star."

Die with memories, not dreams.

If you have someone who can change your mood in happiness every time, you're lucky.

Don't be so busy that you forget to live the life.

You don t need to describe your dreams, just show them your action.

Although I am not beautiful as you but my dreams are more beautiful than you.

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