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All you need is Patience - My 2am Quotes

All you need is Patience.

In every work you do next, all you need is Patience. Sometimes people says ‘calm down’ or ‘stay cool’. So this is simple meaning of Patience by people.Patience is about You have to focus on Your Work. It is one kind of a Skill.There is Few points which we can discuss about on Patience. 

At least You’ll get an Experience:-

It happens that sometimes you worked hard, your expectations are more from your work and in the end, you get just half. So it doesn’t mean you have to give up. No! Every time before you give up remember that why you Started? you can start new things by doing new planning. At least you get experience from Failure. Because
something is better than nothing.

Don’t in Hurry:-

You know that you can do nothing in hurry. Remember, a Man with patience is a man who gets Success earlier than other. As you get Experience and Knowledge you are able to shine again because you have Experience and no one can get it from you. Don’t forget, all your decision taken in hurry will bring less result. You will not get Success immediately but one day definitely.


Time will take your exam:

A person have good Patience is like a saint because he has ability to control his mind in any situation, he has control on anger. Most of people can’t control it. Either they lose their Patience or anger. Then you will fail in your own exam.
Struggle makes you Stronger. One day All of your Hard work will pay off.

A good Example:-

Ok you’re Failed, So what? can't you start Something new? If you can something then you have ability to do something Extra ordinary. Yes, you can. Suppose you are a Student and you have one hard Subject in Your Subject List and For all Student that Subject is Very Hard to Pass in Exam. So here You have chance to get Good Score. Yes, you can! If You can’t get Good Score then at least you Can find new way to get good result in that Subject. You have to Do something extra with Hard work. 

So in Simple meaning if all can’t get it then don’t believe you can’t get. Find the Possible way and Show the World. But in all the Process what you need? You need patience.
No matter what is the difficulty, a true patience will never let you give up. Because everyone started from difficulty.

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